Sunday, April 6, 2008

When I get Time

Does this sound familiar to anyone? We all are too familiar with the above statement without question,so when do we get time? Let me answer that one for you:We Don't! It goes without saying that we cannot manage time, however we can manage what we do with our time. It all comes down to our priorities and what matters most to us. When we are breaking our backs and meeting deadlines for the jobs that we either have now or have had in the past we never told our supervisor or manager"when I get tme". You know why? Because we would have been fired. So in essence we do have time for what we want to do,probably not focus, but we do have time. With all of that being said,tell me if you have time to change what you been doing to better your situation. If you are tired of the redundent routine please contact Mr. Lonnie Love at 314 265-0687 or via email at