Monday, March 31, 2008

Are You Happy?

Stop and think about the above statement and/or question. Now take a minute and reflect on your life's situation. For some this can be a troubling thought to realize that so much time has passed by,but yet there is not really much to show for it. Think about it for a second for those of us who have worked somewhere all of adult lives or childhood life and don't have the compensation for the work that we did. Most people want better;we want change,however for every 10 that want change, only 2 will make change. Change must be an action and not a word with powerful meaning. Nothing will ever change if you continue to do the same thing. Call it procrastination, hesitation, double-minded, confused or any other adjective that makes sense to you but at the end of the day it is what it is. Oppression and depression keeping you in the regressive state of mind of lost hope with a dim future.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Are You A Rat Race Junkie?

Greetings to all of you who have chosen to tune in and get my thoughts of inspiration for the day. If you don't know by now about the message that I present in my forum;well let's say that you will soon find out. In my latest attempt to sway the conditioned minds that are embattled with skepticism and lack of hope, I pose to you a simple question. Are you a rat race junkie? For those of you who may not know what a rat race junkie is;please allow me to share with you some of the most common signs of such. If you are guilty of doing any of the following;chances are a rat race junkie. Do you set your work schedule or does someone else set your schedule; if you do not your one. Oh and arranging your work schedule to go around school hours or get to another job doesn't!! Do you have to put in so much time before you can earn a vacation week off; if you have to your one. Do you have someone watching your every move to determine if your doing an adequate job; if you do have that person your one. Do you feel that you are making the right amount of money for the services that you render; if not your one. Can you leave work for more than a month and still get paid; if not your one. I'm almost certain that you get the picture and understand where I am heading because I could go on and on. And to be honest we all have either been, still in, or trying to get out of the rat race. So the question is...when do we break the chains that have our minds warped.
Allow me to give you an open door opportunity. If you are really tired of being tired of the rigourous routine that you are in and you want out...check out www.5LINX.NET/GUNNER and click on the make $ icon and be delighted you did!!! For further information contact Lonnie Love at (314)265-0687... This is the word for today and everyday..Good Luck

Friday, March 28, 2008

Why Work So Hard Business People

This blog goes out to all of my entrepreneuers of the world who refuse to relax and let their business get the necessary help that it needs. I am talking to all of you who are working hard to get your business network expanded,but have yet to reap the benefits of your labor. I have located one of the best...if not the best website to help propel you over the top with the clicks that you get. If you are tired of working backwards check out, I guarantee that you will not be disappointed with this sweet information. Remember it's not what you's who you know and since you know about this site and the forum that I present;you are in good shape...Now go and make your business grow;You Can Thank Me Later!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I Can And Will Show you How To Get Money!!

To all of those serious minded folks that are dying to change their circumstances; I will provide you with the information that will enable you to make a decision that can and will change your life financially for real. I am aware of all the get rich quick schemes that some of you may have been exposed to and just down right disgusted with,but I offer you a real solution as well as options for your decision. Only the serious need to apply...Those who are not shell shocked,doubtful and who really want to make good money!!! Checkout these sites or www. You owe it to yourself to find out about real money.. Enjoy and you can thank me later!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

If You Want A Change In Your Life:Here It Is

Greetings to all on this beautiful day, it my extreme pleasure to share with you some information that will most certainly change the way you get money,live,enjoy your family and say goodbye to the money clock as we know it. For those of you who do not know about the money clock, it's that thing that we have all been programmed to follow in order to make our living via time for money. If you are ready to change your outlook on the system and turn the tides in your favor I urge you to go to www.5LINX.NET/GUNNER. People this is an exciting time to expose you to one of the greatest as well as the latest in opportunities. If you are an entrepreneuer and willing to do a little for alot..this is it!!!! Hey what do you have to lose...some of you are just wondering if things can get any better, well here it is. Go to the site and click the business opportunity and get busy.

When Do You Realize What's There For You?

So often in the midst of seeking and searching for a better way of life it is so often that we overlook the simple solutions to our sometimes puzzling problems. It goes without saying,but most of the things in life that have real value are really free. In a society inwhich we are in and a great place like America where next to anything is possible...some of us for some strange reason keep missing the boat and continue to fall in last place and wonder why? At some point we must take ownership for ourselves and make things happen instead of sit back and wait for someone else to call our shots!!